Lambert (I) (Lantbertus) King of Neustria
(-Efter 0650)
Chrodobert (Robert II) Count Palatine, Chancellor of Chlotar III
(-Efter 0678)
Rupert of Saltzburg
(Omkr 0660-0710)



Rupert of Saltzburg

  • Født: Omkr 660
  • Død: 710, Salzburg, , Salzburg, Austria i en alder af ca. 50 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Rupert of Salzburg (German: Rupprecht, Latin: Robertus, Rupertus; c. 660 - 710 AD) was the Bishop of Worms, the first Bishop of Salzburg, and the abbot of St. Peter's in Salzburg. He was a contemporary of Childebert III, King of the Franks and is a Saint in the Roman Catholic and an Eastern Orthodox Churches. Rupert is also a patron saint of the Austrian state of Salzburg.

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