Chrodobertus (Robert) nobleman in Neustria
Lambert (I) (Lantbertus) King of Neustria
(-Efter 0650)
Chrodobert (Robert II) Count Palatine, Chancellor of Chlotar III
(-Efter 0678)



1. Doda

Chrodobert (Robert II) Count Palatine, Chancellor of Chlotar III 186,189

  • Ægteskab (1): Doda
  • Død: Efter 678

punkttegn  Notater:

Lived In France, Mentioned 653

Chrodbert (also known as Chrodbert II or Robert II to distinguish him from his great-uncle known sometimes as Chrodbert I) (d. after 678) was a nobleman from Neustria. He was grand-nephew to Chrodbert I, Référendaire to Clovis II. Chrodbert was Lord Chancellor during the reign of Chlothar III, King of the Franks in Neustria, as well as Référendaire. He was a contemporary of Ansbert of Rouen, who was also a Lord Chancellor to Clotaire III. Chrodbert was named Count palatine (comes palatines) on 2 October 678.


Chrodobert blev gift med Doda.

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