Charibert nobleman in Neustria
Chrodobertus (Robert) nobleman in Neustria
(Omkr 0695-)




  • Født: Omkr 695

punkttegn  Notater:

Angadrisma (Angadrême, Angadresima, Angadreme, Angradesma, Andragasyna) (d. ca. 695) was a seventh-century abbess and saint, daughter of Robert I, Bishop of Tours. A cousin to Lambert, Bishop of Lyon, she was educated at Thérouanne by Lambert and Saint Audomare (Omer).

Although she wished to become a nun, she was promised in an arranged marriage to Saint Ansbert of Chaussy. Tradition states that Angadrisma, wishing for a way out, prayed fervently and was stricken with leprosy. She was cured when she was allowed to become a nun and received the veil from Saint Ouen, archbishop of Rouen.

She became abbess of the Benedictine convent of Oroër-des-Vierges, near Beauvais.

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