Chrodobertus (Robert) nobleman in Neustria
Lambert (I) (Lantbertus) King of Neustria
(-Efter 0650)
Theodard of Maastricht
(Omkr 0618-Omkr 0670)



Theodard of Maastricht

  • Født: Omkr 618
  • Død: Omkr 670 i en alder af ca. 52 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Theodard of Maastricht was a seventh-century bishop of Maastricht-Liège, in present-day Netherlands. As Theodard was murdered while on his way to protest the plundering of his diocese by Frankish nobles, he is considered a martyr. His feast day is 10 September. Theodard was uncle to his successor Lambert of Maastricht, and therefore brother or brother-in-law to Robert II, Lord Chancellor of France.

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