Chlodoric the Parricide
(-Omkr 0509)
N. N.
Ferreolus of Rodez
(Omkr 0485-)
(Før 0509-)
Agilulf (bishop of Metz)
(Omkr 0537-0601)



Agilulf (bishop of Metz)

  • Født: Omkr 537
  • Død: 601 i en alder af ca. 64 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Agilulf, also called Aigulf (ca.537 - 601), was a Bishop of Metz between 590 or 591 and 601, and was the predecessor of Arnual or Arnoldus or Arnoald (601-609 or 611). He was a son of Ferreolus, Senator of Narbonne, and wife Dode, Abbess of Saint Pierre de Reims.

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