pil pil pil
Wladyslaw I Herman King of Poland
Judith of Bohemia
(Mellem 1057/1058-1086)
Heinrich I Graf von Berg-Schelklingen
(Omkr 1077-1132)
Adelaide von Mochental
(-Omkr 1125)
Boleslaw III Krzywousty King of Poland
Salome von Berg-Schelklingen
(Før 1101-1144)




  • Født: 9 Aug. 1122
  • Død: 19 Okt. 1131 i en alder af 9 år

punkttegn  Notater:

known in historiography as the Older (9 August 1122 - 19 October 1131), according to sources (like Rocznik kapituly krakowskiej), he died aged 9 Jan Dlugosz in his chronicle wrote that he was born from the marriage of Boleslaw and Adelaide, the Prince's supposed second wife.

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